木村 睦(Mutsumi Kimura)
信州大学繊維学部化学・材料学科ファイバー材料工学コース 教授
信州大学繊維学部化学・材料学科 学科長・ファイバー材料工学コース コース長 (2018/19)
信州大学COIアクアイノベーションセンター サブ研究リーダー (2013-)
信州大学先鋭領域融合研究群先鋭材料研究所ウェアラブルナノ材料部門 部門長(2019-)
Phone&FAX: +81-268-21-5499; E-mail: mkimura@shinshu-u.ac.jp

Mutsumi Kimura is a full professor of Faculty of Textile Science and Technology at Shinshu University in Ueda. Professor Kimura obtained his Bachelor degree in Agriculture (1990) at Tsukuba University and his master degree in Environmental Science (1992) at Tsukuba University. He received his doctor degree in Engineering (1995) at Shinshu University under the supervision of Prof. Hirofusa Shirai studying artificial models of natural metalloenzymes. He became Research Associate in 1995 and Associate Professor in 2003 at the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology of Shinshu University. He was selected to be a PRESTO researcher at the Japan Science and Technology Agency from 2001 to 2005. He worked with Prof. Minoru Taya of University of Washington in 2009 as a visiting scientist. In 2013, he became Professor at the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology of Shinshu University. From 2013, he became a co-PI of Aqua Innovation center of Shinshu University. And he became a PI of Research Initiative for Supra-Materials (RISM) in Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research (ICCER) from 2019. He received the Award of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan in 2013.
Prof. Kimura works on developing new functional organic and inorganic nanomaterials having catalytic, energy conversion, and molecular sensing functions. He also investigated on the hybridaization of these nanomaterials with fibers and nanofibers to realize smart textile devices. He published 240 papers, 10 books, and over 50 patents from 1995 to 2018 (ResearchID: D-4516-2014, h-index: 41).